Well, we've finally moved, the computer is back up and running and I've even started knitting again. Time to catch up, and as always you can enlarge the photos by clicking on them:
On Sunday (the day before we officially moved to Pett Level) we walked from Pett to Winchelsea along the
Royal Military Canal, built way back when to defend the UK from Napolean Bonaparte. It was a glorious spring day with a brisk breeze - we were putting layers on and taking them off again all day!

The end is in sight - can you see the towers of Winchelsea Strand Gate on the horizon in the photo below? Years ago I took a series of photos starting here for my
first website celebrating the
Lone Pine Club books by
Malcolm Saville. I should probably retake them now I have a better camera, they're a bit washed out!

The photo below is taken from the
Strand Gate at Winchelsea, looking back across the canal and marshes to the sea. We had a quick pint in a pub garden, then headed back down the hill again to find the coast.

Yes, it's spring - lots of proud mums around!

The tide was out - we were very pleased to see so much sand, we'd thought we'd moved to a mostly shingly beach!

Nearly there (below). In the distance you can see
Cliff End which is where we will leave the beach and turn right to head for our new home. Apparently there are many fossils to be discovered here at low tide, but we will have to time it correctly - it's 3 miles before the cliffs can be ascended again and I'm not that good a swimmer. Certainly not for today, at the end of a five mile walk.

One last photo... I was entranced by the beautiful designs (and I use the word deliberately) that the sea has drawn in the sand - isn't it wonderful?