We all need a little help from time to time, especially after the busy holiday season - so I've designed a Meerkat Sales Fairy, and will give one of the very first off the needles to my winner!
She's dressed in Zibbet green and has a wand with bell to tinkle whilst working her magic (she's told me she's prepared to work for other venues too, so don't worry if you don't yet have a zibbet shop)
So what do you have to do to enter?
First of all, just look at the date - ooops, Happy New Year! Have you made a resolution? Mine is to work at promoting my Zibbet store as it's my newest and not so well known (yet!) as my Etsy and Folksy stores.
So - for your first and obligatory entry, leave a comment with your New Year's resolution. Don't forget to leave me a way to contact you! If you haven't made a resolution for yourself, you can suggest another one for me!
Second chance to enter - join our Zibbet facebook group! It's not just for Zibbet sellers. Check my post yesterday if you want to stop email notifications. Leave me a SECOND comment telling me which facebook ID you've joined our group so I know who you are.
Third possible entry; leave me another SEPARATE comment with your Zibbet url. You don't have to be a shop-owner, you can sign up as a buyer - it's free!
Good luck!

I will count up all separate valid entries and choose the winner with random.org next Saturday 8th January. This giveaway is open to ALL countries, and I will contact the winner for their address using the details left in your entry - so don't forget to leave me your contact details!
If you can't wait - she's for sale on Zibbet :-)
happy new year to you nifty. I also resolve to promote my zibbet shop more this year as well as to learn some new stuff (please see my newest blog as posted on my FB page, never too old), and I joined the zibbet FB page yesterday. does that qualify me for the draw for the sales fairy, I sure would love to have her?
joy xx
My New Year's resolution is to visit France. I have been learning French and really want to put it into practice! Love your knits by the way!
I adore your meerkat sales fairy. My New Years resolution is to enjoy what I do and not to have unrealistic expectations.
Oooooh, my sister would so love me if I won her this.
My goal for 2011 is to try and find life balance, I am going to not feel guilty and enjoy my work while still being a wonderful Mummy. Or that's what I hope for anyhoo....
Happy new year Heather xxx
Happy New Year!
My resolutions are to clear my debts and have a baby by the end of 2011.
Not much really *lol*
Happy New Year to all at Nifty Knits. My resolution is to write up more patterns to sell in my etsy, folksy and zibbet shops. I just need to find the time, so need to be more organised. Good luck with your new year's resolutions, Lynne www.lynnespatternparlour.folksy.com
I don't have a resolution yet.
I'll think of one and come back to post it.
But I posted this contest on my Facebook Page
on Google Buzz
on Twitter
and on my blog.
What else are we supposed to do? I'll be back.
My Zibbet URL is
My New Years resolution is to continue to promote at least one other Zibbet Shop each day on my Twitter and Facebook pages.
If all Zibbeters were to do that think of the worldwide impact that would have making the public aware of all that Zibbet has to offer.
I will choose those shops from the new items listed section (which I look at many times a day). If I see something I like I will promote it.
Would love a Meerkat Sales Fairy!
Faye of Woodcot Designs and the Bauble Bin on Zibbet
I put it on Stumble Upon
I put it on Twitter:
I put it on my House for Sale Blog
My Facebook ID
I posted the Meerkat Sales Fairy item for sale on my Facebook.
I posted the contest blog link on my Facebook.
This is fun but I should be working.
My new years resolution is to get it that people don't jinx stuff, stuff just happens.
Loving the new meerkat! :D
Ohhh, can I be so lucky to win another of your giveaways?
My New Year's Resolution - I'm going to try acupuncture to quit smoking, once and for all!
Oh, how fabulously adorable. Happy New Year and may the sales fairy bless us all! I resolve keep Zibbet as my priority sales venue and push,push,push.
Oh, just in case:
Okay, I sent a request to join the Zibbet Facebook Group! Request is under the name Donna McLean.
Well, I think this is my Zibbet url as a buyer...
Happy New Year!!
Aren't resolutions made to be broken? I hope not this year. I would like to stock my etsy shop to the brim!! Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year Nifty!
I adore your meerkats and your sales fairy is especially cute :)
My resolution is to go to the gym more! xxx
Happy New Year Nifty.
My new year resolution is to learn how to post photo's that point to my Folksy shop in forums, and to be able to add others to my blog so I can join Folksy Friday and weekly listing clubs, and blog about other crafters.
Not learnt yet, hopefully this weekend at some point.
contact as SimJaTa on Folksy
Happy New Year Nifty :-)
My resolution is to be better about updating my blogs and facebook fan page. I hope I win...I really need a sales fairy :-)
That has to be the most adorable sales fairy ever. Wait, I have never seen a sales fairy before...but STILL - SO CUTE!!
I like the sales fairy dust idea too, more to spread around.
you can find me at:
and I am sharing on my FB page:
Happy New Year all! :)
oops forgot to leave my email...
Happy New Year! 2011 is our comeback year! Therefore my New Year's resolution is to stay POSITIVE through it all!!!
I LOVE #zibbet, a per month rate is much easier bookkeeping! And the #zibbet community is super helpful!
My shop link: http://zibbet.com/PaperOnParade
To sell on Zibbet check this out:
Happy new year! I can use a Meerkat Sales Fairy! I resolve to promote my soaps locally and to learn as much as I can, both about improving my craft and promoting my business. I also want to make new friends.
Here is my Zibbet link.
Happy New Year to you too!
My new years resolution. Spend the time with my kids more intensive and get my store a little bit more going.
Joined zibbet FB on the second day or so (Frauke Avent), will post this blog on my Handmadefuzzy page on FB.
New Year's resolutions? Hmmmmm.... Well my business resolutions would be to blog more, sell more, reach out to new buyers/customers, etc. Promote more, etc. Etta's cousin the "Sales Fairy" would be very welcome at my house!! I'm sure she would help. :o)
As for personal resolutions. To take better care of myself - take more time for relaxation and enjoyment of family. Easy stuff. :o)
Sandie Russo
zaftig2k at yahoo dot com
I joined your Facebook group!!
Sandie Russo
zaftig2k at yahoo dot com
my resolution is to get more stuff in my shop and promote it more. on facebook im elizabethspencerus@yahoo.com
twitter kd7org
I love all your meerkats and the Fairy is Fabulous. Would love to have her next to my computer.
My New Year's resolution is to balance my time better between My Job, The Computer (I don't have capability to work from mobile devices, i.e. promoting, blogs, etc...) Making my Jewelry, Housework,etc.. Time management is a struggle for me. Thank you for offering up your Lovely Fairy Heather. Leta ♥
I am found on www.zibbet.com/letamariedesigns
or under Leta Marie Porter on FB
What a cute little meerkat!
My New Years resolution is to exercise more! I know, everyone says that, but I really want to stick to this one!
Here is my Zibbet URL
My New Years resolution is to be kinder to everyone. Even in my head. I don't want to think bad thoughts about anyone. I think everyone could have a little more love & charity.
I've liked your Meerkats for ages!
My resolution is to be frugal. I'm challenging myself (and my family) to spend thoughtfully this year, save money and pay off debt.
I would like to frame some artwork that I bought for my daughter's room, so I'm also saving for that - I could sure use a Sales Fairy! : )
Happy Happy New Year Nifty! My new year's resolution is to work more on my 'art' vs craft - I am much more happy even if I make fewer sales...
My resolution for 2011 is to celebrate the little wins---like shop hearts & treasury features. That way when a sale comes along I can celebrate big!
Happy New Year!
My resolution this year is to try and promote my own website www.fairlygirly.com more.
Your meerkat sales fairly is lovely and sure to bring the winner luck.
Happy New Year!
Firstly I would like to thank you, my Hubby adored the Police Meercat I gave him for Christmas!!!!!
My resolution would have to be have a better work life balance,(in my day job that is) any balance in fact would be good!
My Zibbet url is: http://www.zibbet.com/NOfkantsCurios but my shop is a bit empty at the moment, have been concentrating on folksy.
Sorry don't do facebook as yet, so only two out of three for me.
Natalie x
Happy New Year Nifty! Your new little fairy is great, would love to have her as a companion.
My resolution is to take better care of myself, keep learning & promote my shops more.
Happy New Year all!
My new year's resolution is to promote my sister friend Nifty, whom I just found after years and years of searching for her on Facebook.
And if brown-nosing doesn't get me to win the fairy, I'll give you my real new year's resolution(s): to spend more time with my three little girls, dance more, tell one dirty joke at my husband's work party to liven it up and try to wear more mis-matched socks.
My craft Zibbet shop is
But my silly Zibbet shop is
I'm a member of the Facebook group too since I'm a very lucky gal!
Here is my business FB page in case any of your peeps want to make my day and 'like' me: http://www.facebook.com/acraftyarab
Happy New Year Nifty!
My new year's resolution is to keep cycling so I can get up the big hill!
Might help me look good in a wedding dress too as we have just got engaged!
Happy New Year to you! My resolution is to put more time and effort into promoting my Zibbet Shop and items. I have already begun to sell my earrings at local shops, but I would really like to take this further which I think will be the key to my success.
I took the first step this morning, by upgrading my BirdStuff Shop to the yearly premium zibbet account. My sewinmachine shop is lucky enough to have a free membership for life!
I hope everything works out for the both of us!
Facebook: Sewinmachine BirdStuff Upcycledearrings
Oh the little meerkat fairy is so sweet!
I don't do new year resolutions, but I do plan to try to post to my blogs more often!
Happy New Year Nifty! I resolve to launch more patterns than I did last year - and a whole new store. Gabrielle is crossing her fingers that we win. She loves fairies and your meerkats - what a winning combination! Cheers, Cherie at StudioCherie
Your meerkat is adorable :) My New Years resolutions is to use up some of my crafty stash of felt, beads, wool, fabric etc before buying anymore. I'm a bit of a magpie, especially with beads so in addition to this I'm setting myself a budget of £10 a month.
Happy New Year and I love this little meerkat, but then all your meerkats are so cute. Some day I'm going to own one. My new years resolution is to really work out and not give up, even if it is walking every day. I have no zibbet craft shop. I'm known as shatomabargains on etsy and shirley ann thomason nelson on facebook.
Happy New Year!!!
One of my resolutions is to get my own domain name (and do something with it!)
My resolution is to be organized, to stop faffing so much and actually get the work done. Also to put the kids first and try to send them to school with the things they need for that day! Also I'm teaching myself to crochet so I can make cute amigurumi things. I also resolve to learn to spell that word correctly!!
I'm back again with my resolution.
Mine is to get this house sold and move. Somehow, some way, I will move in the year 2011.
Here's my house in case someone reading this comment happens to be wanting an awesome place in Florida.
Oh dear! I don't make New Year Resolutions. I never keep them and stopped doing it quite a few years ago! ;D
Happy New Year.
I stopped making resolutions, but this year is an exception. I resolve to make even more effort in promoting and to find more sights to promote on.
Will also look at joining Zibbet!
my resolution is to learn some new crochet stitches and create some new products with them :)
joined fb group
Happy New Year! My resolution is a straightforward one - to grow my business into something that will give me dependable monthly income. The "how" to do that remains elusive. ;-)
Helloooo, need sales fairy, would love a meerkat, simples!!! xx
Thanks for invite Heather
Need to stay strong this year, lots of health and pain issues, now parents need me more as well, if only at end of phone, make things to sell and sell more!!!
Sue x
Best of 2011 to all! I resolve to be content, to put my best effort into each day, and go to bed with a day well spent.
I found the zibbet group page and asked if I could join.
Hope your packages are just running late. The weather has been very, very bad in some parts of the US.
Hi Nifty! Happy new Year!
I choose to be more proactive in 2011. Would love to have some magic from that cute sales fairy! :)
Joined the Zibbet group as Karrita R.
Wishing you a happy and successful 2011, Nifty! :) ~K
my resolution is to buy less plastic products and instead look for other alternatives such as metal . ceramic , porcelain , glass , wood , etc .
tumblemumbo at gmail dot com
Hi Heather! My resolution is similar to Barbra's: Promote more (my store and everyone else's!) and to find another way to give back. Love, love, love the new fairy meerkat! You already have my Zibbet shop and my FaceBook page. :o)
I have a few (can I do that?) one is to list on Folksy - did try it once when it was in Beta but never sold anything. Another is to have a blog (maybe!) but unfortunately have never been great at words and not much happens in my life that people would be interested in reading about, but hey ho one will never know unless I have a go! I could be a poet though.
Happy New Year to all
The fairy is so cute...sure to bring someone luck. My new year resolution is to work on marketing and getting more online sales this year.
Oh what a cutie! :) Absolutely adorable.
I haven't made any new year's resolutions. I really wouldn't dare suggest a resolution to you, but since I definately want to be counted in this giveaway my suggestion to you is just to keep making these wonderful, cute and funny little creatures with the same joy that you seem to have.
Happy new year!
My e-mail address is under sähköposti.
Your Meerkat Sales Fairy is just adorable and would be a good reminder to everyone to keep trying no matter how slow things might be.
I am such a Virgo and am so critical of myself that it is my New Year's resolution to "chill out" and don't get so frustrated with myself.
I also resolve to do whatever I can to promote my Zibbet shops. I would love a little fairy to keep me in line.
Because my New Year's resolution is to do what I can to promote my shops, I would like to include information for my second shop. That little Meerkat Fairy gets cuter every time I see it.
My Zibbet URL for my second shop is:
Boy do I need a sales fairy in my corner rooting me on! My New Years Resolution this year is to increase my graphic shop listing to 150, and my origami shop listings to 50, annnnnd to update my blog more regularly!
Zibbet member!
Annnnd I am a member of the facebook group! (but I resolve to post on it more regularly too...)
Have you seen my garden fairies? They NEED a Meercat fairy!! My resolution is all about Zibbet: Learning more about seo & on-line marketing; filling in my shop with the hundreds of glass items yet to list; and joining the forums more often to get to know one and all. Happy New Year!
This year, I'm working on reorganizing and cleaning up my life! I've been a hoarder for long enough, and I'm brutally getting rid of the excess. My goal is to have a neat, organized apartment and the kind of life that goes along with it.
I posted on my blog about this goal:
I'm already part of the facebook zibbet group.
My zibbet shop is http://www.zibbet.com/SweetSabrina
and you can e-mail me at brinaroze(at)gmail(dot)com
My meerkat needs a companion! I love the fairy outfit. Plus I think I need a fairy godmother meerkat to bring me good wishes this new year! (I am already in the Zibbet group.) Ta!
My resolution is to enter every Meerkat contest I can find in 2011.
I don't really make resolutions per say....but I lost my brother on Nov. 5th and have decided to try and love more. I came to realize how important people are in our lives. I have been kinda recluse and I aim to change that this coming year. Going to double my chances...going to facebook now...lol. Happy New Year.
I went Premium with my zibbet shop and am still adding items. I believe zibbet is up and coming.
i forgot to lwave a resolution...hmmm....one of mine is to be a more faithful blogger. another is to not procrastinate, but so far that one hasn't worked, because I haven't published my new years blog yet...wait that's both that I mave neglected. ut oh....
oh...email is Raige at live.com
a new business only email.
and another resolution is to quite being so forgetful....
Happy new year to you nifty, your meerkats are all gorgeous but I would love to be the new home for the sales fairy, my new years resolution is to get a job in the real world and create new and wonderful items to sell in my shops as well as promote my shops and website (dont intend to let these resolutions slide like so many before this year!)
you can contact me as lovesagoodyarn on Folksy or as http://www.facebook.com/lovesagoodyarn
I resolve to work harder on my shop, and try to come up with more varieties of cards and to try and branch into other things as well.
My New Year resolution is to promote promote promote and create a few new items to keep things fresh
I joined the Fb group
Jocelyn (Peabody) Paquette
I sure could use some Zibbet help with sales. My other shop on etsy is doing great. I need some love ion Zibbet too and a little fairy dust never hurts too!
Happy New Year to you & all the meerkats!
One of my New Years Resolutions is to keep my accounts up to date! I also need to put more time into my Junky Chicken shop this year as last year I was busy moving house twice, getting ready for our first baby & then having & enjoying said baby! Still enjoying maternity leave for now though so I'll delay that resolution for a little longer!
My resolution is to Post a Day 2011 Challenge created by WordPress - a daily post to my blog - so far so good!
I am a member of Zibbet facebook group and my Zibbet shop is http://www.zibbet/TheRunningGarlic
My new year's resolution is to SEW MORE!! ~Kristi
Joined your FB page as Kristi Duggins :D
Annnnd I joined Zibbet! Thanks for the idea! I'm on as Bohemian Bear there as well.
I have 2 resolution to write more fanfiction and to make more Hair Bows! LOL
Hi Heather,
Happy New Year! Great Blog!!
Your Meerkat is Fabulous, and as a knitter I know what kind of intricate work goes into it. Well done!
Resolution....well I will keep that to myself.
My big resolution is to "Go Greener" in 2011, but there are a few extra resolutions like this http://moagsandsmeet.blogspot.com/2011/01/new-years-resolution-two-super-shares.html :)
I am already in the group.
And you can find me on Zibbet at www.zibbet.com/moagsandsmeet - sales fairies welcome. :)
My New Years resolution is to bring some new ideas and inspirations into my online stores and through that into my handiwork.
I resolve to get more of my creations out onto children of the world - wonder if a fairy would help?
Hello Heather & Happy New Year!
My New Years resolution is to get more organised! I have closed my Artfire account and I am focusing on Zibbet and Etsy only. I have been working on my studio and I have made a list of all upcoming dates so I can get listings on early enough and with us opening a Driving Range here in May for the golfing season I really need to manage my time as efficiently as possible.
I hope your Sales fairy can wave some magic fairy dust my way~I could use more sales! Helen ;)
What a brilliant idea...a sales fairy! My resolution is to learn a new embroidery technique...and create some fun designs! Happy new year Heather!
Happy New Year Nifty!
Well I don't make resolutions, as I think if you make them then you have something to break. I am feeling pretty positive right now though, so I am going to work on keeping that going, and to appreciate the smaller things more.
Great meerkats!
You can find me on Folksy, I'll post on the forum thread!
dawn. xx
My new years resolution is to get a job so me and my boyfriend can get our own place :o) xXx
I have posted this Great Giveaway again. Posted late afternoon on my Facebook Fan Page which Feeds into my Twitter~~
My New Year's Resolution is to be more organized ~~
My primary new year's resolution is to be more financially responsible in my business (i.e., not "borrowing" from the house savings account to fund my never-ending jump ring addition!).
My secondary resolution is to be more diligent about posting new items in my online shops then let my Facebook Fans know about it.
I have just requested to join your Zibbet Facebook Group using "Pamela Lemons."
(Ohhh the hoops I'll jump through to win one of Heather's meerkats!)
My Zibbet.com shop is (ready?)...
Pamela Lemons
Happy New Year! This year I am taking up yoga.
urchiken at gmail dot com
My new years resolution is to do more crafts :D
Have requested to join fb group, my name is Emma tait aka hairgarageuk on Twitter :) x
Signed up to zibbet as a buyer, username hairgarage x
My new years res is to get more organised and plan exactly what i need to do for my etsy shop! Love the fairy she would help me out loads!!
Oh, that Sales Fairy is sooooo cute! I need her!!!
My new year's resolution is to grow my business by promoting my Etsy shop, starting my own web site, and getting my jewellery into some B&M shops. So a quiet year.... ;-)
I´ve joined the Zibbet Facebook group! :) Well, I asked for permition...
My facebook bage is> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Condeixa-Portugal/BHB-Kidstyle/142217155821572
My goal is to become more organized in my everyday life, I need all the luck I can get!
I think the Zibbet Merkat Sales Fairy would be capable of also making magick to sell my house which is my New Years Resolution for 2011.
Tweeted and Facebooked to let people know today is the last day to enter.
Good luck everyone.
Facebook is beyond me, and I've not got round to Zibbet yet. But Tweeting I've done. And added your promo as Featured Seller News on my blog http://loisdesigns.blogspot.com
My New Year's Resolution? I've broken it already - to do something creative every day, no matter how small. I've not done anything yet - unless you count wrestling the tax bloggage into the daylight....
COMPETITION NOW CLOSED! I've removed one anonymous comment which had no way of discovering who to contact, and am now going to random/.org ....watch this space!
For 2011, I am determined to take my skills and my work more seriously and take myself less seriously.
-- FreckledPast [Ravelry]
here's the winner - thank you everyone for entering!
My NY res is to knit me a sweater!
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