I went to a real life auction last week and bid on a mixed lot of brass. I particularly wanted the chestnut roaster as we have an open fire and had to improvise with a frying pan last year when my son bought chestnuts!
I'm gradually working out what to do with the other items, some will go to ebay but others are destined to be upcycled.
So far I have a few pots of flowers which used to be ashtrays!

I have 5 or 6 similar mystery items. They clearly are a set, and have a wrong and right side. They look as if they're intended to have something threaded through them (right hand pic) yet they also have a place to attach a "something" on the right side (left hand pic)
Anyone know what they are? They're around 3" in diameter, and around an inch deep, rising to a point. At the moment I see them as miniature hanging baskets!