Saturday 26 February 2011

Spring lambs!

Walking through local fields on a footpath yesterday we spotted the first spring lambs out at pasture with their mums. "What a shame they're so far away" I said...but one lamb wanted to make friends!


Bluebell Design said...

you must have looked edible!!

sassypackrat said...

Awwww, so cute! I don't think I've ever seen in person a lamb before. Being outside of an Urban area you don't see many farm animals. Goats, cows and horses at the petting zoo yes, but don't remember a lamb. Adorable!

Heather Leavers said...

LOL I can't imagine never having seen a lamb! We're in prime sheep rearing country here.

Aileen Clarke Crafts said...

Awww that one in the middle in the top picture is just crying out to be depicted in profile on a needle felted something! : )