I found a very helpful website here: http://www.knitting-and.com/small-looms/index.html and have been busy playing.
I have several different sizes, some round, some square - the bigger flower here is made on the square loom, and I just don't like it. Neither of them have enough "rows" of yarn, either - but it's all trial and improvement.

I soon discovered it is *not* as easy as I'd expected, and that some yarns just don't work out as well as I'd thought. I'd hoped to use my stash of fancy yarns which I rarely use for my meerkats - but turns out that for the moment, simple old acrylic is a lot easier to work with.

See what I mean (above)? The eyelash yarn just isn't holding the shape. I quite like the effect of the toning set below though. I tried using one strand of each of the yarns for one flower, and then decided to snip through each loop. I quite like the effect, rather like a flat pompom! They'd probably go together better with the same button, but I'm stash-busting.

Another experiment - this is a cotton yarn I'd knitted something in, didn't like and unpicked. The yarn is crinkly from having been knitted so I wasn't sure it'd work, but it gives extra interest to the flower I think.

I tried weaving in and out of each petal - had to make myself stop, it's quite addictive!

Now to decide what to do with them...
And if you'd like to see how a REAL professional works a flower loom, I recommend a trip to Ffflowers who seems to have no trouble at all with fancy yarns!

Plum Fizz flowers by ffflowers
She also sells gorgeous handmade wooden looms, so if you fancy a go, check her out!
That loom is the weirdest one I have ever seen - no wonder you are having trouble remembering where you are! You are doing really well - I couldn't manage without the hole in the middle of mine!
Oh don't tempt me with yet another craft to try out! I like your flat pom pom flower.
They look fab to me, I have tried this but mine looked sad! Kxx
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