Monday 9 November 2009

This is… Laura

of Lamaworks

Favourite colour? That depends on the day ... lately I'm a purple girl.

Favourite smell? Oooh I have a Ginos East pizza in the oven right this minute, so pizza it is!

Favourite place? My parents house. They live in a cozy log cabin on a beautiful lake in the middle of northern Wisconsin. It is so peaceful up there. I could spend hours on the dock with a book listening to the waves roll by.

Favourite sound? My 3 year old niece when she says, "Hi Auntie Wauda!"

Favourite way to spend your time? Anything crafty! I have a need to always be working on something. Sitting still just isn't an option, so I'm always working on something.

Favourite item in your shop of all time? I really love the bright colors and different textures in the Wild Raspberry thank you cards set.

I think a close second are any of the triangle patchwork scarves. I love how all the colors blend together.

Favourite shop that isn’t yours? (Apart from Niftyknits, obviously!) Ooh, I really want a bag from ShibaNgDesigns!!

Why? They are so unique! I love how she uses random embellishments, but ties it all in together with her stitching.

What has been the most useful lesson you’ve learnt so far that you’d like to pass on to our readers?
Keep pushing forward! Things start slow in the beginning, but if you keep making things and keep advertising, and networking and promoting, and blogging and .... it all really pays off! The more you get out there, the more people see you and want something from your shop!

If I can I'd also like to plug a good cause ... I donate 10% of all of my sales to the American Cancer Society through the Carry On Campaign. It's a cause I really believe in and one of my goals in life is to make a difference. You can find out more about me and my progress with Carry On on my blog:

or on Facebook:

Don't forget to check out Laura's shop: Lamaworks

and follow Laura on Twitter


Jane Carlstrom said...

Enchanting interview, so enjoyed reading and learning more about Laura. I too love that scarf and the photos of the socks on the feet always cheer me.

Midnightcoiler said...

Enjoyed the interview with Laura. The triangle scarf is beautiful!

Originals by Lauren said...

wonderful interview, it is always so much fun to learn about each other and put a face with a name.

Unknown said...

well done! You have great style, Laura. Always did love those socks!

Waterrose said...

Oh I love those bags as well! So nice to get to know everyone better!