Friday 3 December 2010

May I introduce YummyCuppyCrafts

Another "new to Zibbet" shopkeeper who at the time I met her, hadn't had any sales...though I see sales have started to happen at YummyCuppyCrafts now *yay*!

YummyCuppyCrafts told me "I'm a proud wife of a US Marine. We have 4 children who keep me busy at home.

Marine Corps Nesting dolls

I love to bake and craft when I have a little free time! (Which isn't always as often as I'd like)

cupcake wrapper club

My husband is gone a lot on training and trips. So when he is gone, I stay up late and love to create things! It's a way for me to relieve a little stress after a long day!

Raggedy Annie

With the holiday season approaching, I am starting to make more 'kissing ball' ornaments. They are so stunning and fun to hang on your tree, from a garland, doorway, chandelier, or in a vase of bowl for decoration!"

Wow - as you can see, there is a huge variety at YummyCuppyCrafts and there is still time to buy for Christmas!


~Kimberly said...

Thank you so much for featuring my shop! You have a wonderful blog! I'm off to share your link!

The Vintage Knitter said...

I've got an award for your great blog (and the meerkats!) for an award! Check out my post on: