Sunday 27 January 2013

Yarn bowl!

Look what I got for Christmas!
I usually keep the yarn I'm working from in a bag, but it's been known to jump out and wander around with a mind of its own. Not any more though!

I like the "wool" cutouts, the idea is that if you're using several balls at once, maybe for a fairisle pattern, they'll stay untangled. Cute isn't it? Handmade by Sue at Caractacus Pots on Etsy and Folksy


PoetessWug said...

Yep! I love a good yarn bowl! :-)

mum in meltdown said...

I just came across these recently and soooo want one now- what a fab idea. Just found your site via a twitter follow and loving all the advice you have for setting up craft business which I;m in process of doing. Btw your Meercats are fab! :)