Sunday 16 June 2013

Not quite self-sufficient

I'm on a low cholesterol diet so MrNifty is encouraging me by growing salad leaves. The row that is shooting up is the appropriately-named rocket, the other more relaxed row is mixed leaves. The row that is hardly growing at all is spring onions, but I don't like them anyway! I'm not mad on salad, but it's definitely nicer to eat from the garden. We're thinning them by plucking, here's part of today's lunch...

Good thing we have moved, remember all the rabbits in our old garden? Don't think we'd have harvested much!


joy said...

I've been trying to grow spring onions for the last couple of years, but they just dont want to grow. I wont bother next year. You cant beat a bit of freshly picked salad, hope it does your cholesterol a lot of good xx

Heather Leavers said...

me too Joy! I really don't want to have to start taking statins.