Tuesday 29 September 2009

Tenterden Folk Festival next weekend!

We picked up the programme for next weekend's fair yesterday and flipped through excitedly to see my name in print!

Shutting the programme, I noticed an ad on the back for our local steam railoway. "Oh look, there's a photo of the Morris dancers I blogged about a while back."

Then I looked more closely:

and more closely still:

Yes - it's Mr Nifty and I sharing a "moment"!

If you're in the area, my stall is upstairs in the Town Hall - discount to anyone who claims to know me through blog / twitter / facebook /wherever!


Kitschy Coo said...

Do Morris Dancers get you two in the mood? ;)

Heather Leavers said...

I does look as if that might be the case...

Lost in the Forest said...

It looks like you might be eaten by that house if you keep it up!

Arrow placed fabulously makes a great nose for him :)