Sunday 15 July 2012

A night out for the camera


Most days we walk on the beach at low tide, we like scrambling amongst the rock pools. Friday, though, we  got the timings wrong and walked at high tide when it looks like this.

On Saturday, I couldn't find the camera. We looked in all the usual places, and the silly ones too (how many of you have found unlikely lost objects in the fridge?)

Eventually we realised it must have fallen from my pocket the evening before - after which it had rained virtually all night, not to mention the tide turning. Nonetheless we decided to retrace our steps - and found it!

Who'd have thought? I opened the very soggy case to find a fair bit of sand which must have been washed in by the waves, but to my surprise the camera turned on and showed me the photos on the card. A night drying out on paper towels, and it is pretty much back to normal - as shown by the photo above, taken Sunday morning from the clifftop path.

Hurray for living out in the sticks! 


PoetessWug said...

That's great!...and nice photo to! I thought you were gonna tell us that your camera was a goner! LOL

Heather Leavers said...

that's certainly what I expected wug - I'm amazed we found it, and even more amazed that it still works!

joy said...

The meerkat gods were watching over you (yes, you may pinch my idea if you want to!). :-)

Jennifer Rose said...

thats great it still works. lots of people turn them on when they are still wet and wonder why it doesnt work :/