I had to smile when I read the shop announcement: Indulge your inner hippy! I was a teen in the 70s (long hair, bare feet and flowing maxi dresses) so I was ready to enjoy myself!
The shop carries a diverse selection, including incense burners

another incense burner - with peace sign, very hippy!

clay buttons

and of course - hemp jewelry!

Enjoy your visit to La-de-da creations - Peace and love, man!
Oh and while you're here - don't forget to enter Niftyknits' giveaway, it closes tomorrow (8th January)
Love the buttons....of course!
Ohh, I love the buttons too! and the incense burners. Very clever & cute!
The buttons are my favorite -
Thank you sooo much for this post! I love it!!
what a neat shop!!! love it. very creative.
Those buttons are great!
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