Sunday 12 July 2009

holiday snaps with a difference

Not your usual beach or scenery pics! We've just had a week on the Isle of Wight, lots of walking and geocaches to be found. We failed to find the cache here, but found a former lifeboat house with this poem painted on the wall. I love it!

I don't know if you can make out the subject of this photo. The house clearly belonged to a trainspotter who had a host of railway signs and memorabilia. The flat roof at the back had been made to look like a station, with a Southampton (a ferry ride away) sign displayed. It amused us because it's our daughter's station!

And finally - topiary discovered in a garden centre. I was longing for a small child to thrust into the driver's cabin!


Nicola said...

That is soooo fabulous
an uncle of mine used to have a topiary hedge and when I was little I can remember sitting on top of it (think it was a horse)
Nic x

Kitschy Coo said...

Nice snaps! And might I suggest a small child to shove in the hedge?