Thursday 22 November 2012

Book Review: Knit, Purl, Save the World

As with my earlier book reviews,  I was given the books in return for writing reviews. It's not edited though, these are my real opinions.

Subtitled "Knit and Crochet Projects for Eco-friendly Stitchers", I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't even know if I knit in an eco-friendly way!

Vicki Howell and Adrienne Armstrong are clearly dedicated to their form of environmental consciousness and sprinkle tips about eco-friendly living throughout the book. Although they don't say we should all get rid of our acrylic yarns, they prefer to source what they call "sustainable" yarn, for instance by using wool that "comes from animals that were raised organically and humanely: baby alpaca, baby camel, merino sheep, etc."

Maybe not the book for me then: I knit almost entirely in acrylic, it's inexpensive and brightly coloured and suits my particular knits perfectly.

There are patterns for 31 projects: clothes,accessories, home furnishings, all designed to use eco-friendly materials.

I found one project that interests me, a bag crocheted from plarn. Plarn is is yarn made by cutting strips from plastic grocery carrier bags! The book gives instructions to make the plarn, or you can track down numerous tutorials online if you prefer videos.

I consider myself quite environmentally conscious - I don't fly (don't even have a passport!), prefer to walk and shop local, recycle everything in sight and buy secondhand - but my budget does not allow for the yarns suggested here. Ideal for some, but sorry - not for me.

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