Monday 11 February 2013

Spring cleaning

I don't know about you, but my life has a way of becoming over-complicated, I swear it does it on its own when I'm not paying attention.

So although I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions (which is just as well as I'd be a bit late) I have resolved to spring clean my virtual life. I've been going through the list of blogs I allegedly "follow" and removing a good proportion so that those I retain I will actually get around to reading. Some of them hadn't posted since 2010 - and I hadn't noticed. The shame is mine, not theirs!

I think I've also decided to close my Zibbet shop. I sell in UK £ on both folksy and etsy these days, and it's a nuisance having to keep on top of the exchange rate to make sure my prices in Zibbet stay the same. For the moment, the shop is just "on vacation".

Facebook...well, we have a love/hate relationship! When I signed up, online sellers used their profiles as business pages. Then business pages came into being, and now I mostly just post from my business page. That way I know the fans are expecting to read about my business - but as always, there will be lots of irrelevant nonsense too. Recently my personal facebook profile has decided I'm Estonian, all the adverts are Estonian and facebook keeps asking me if I wish to translate the page. Interesting!

Twitter - most days I don't like twitter one bit. Why? Because when I started I became obsessed with the numbers game, following more and more people in the hope they'd follow me back. It worked - I have a crazy 7 thousand followers, and I supposedly follow 5 thousand - many of whom (not you, obviously) I'm not really interested in. I wish there was an easy way to filter them, but going through that number to make lists just does not appeal. So maybe twitter will go, I'm not sure. I do enjoy the occasional chat with individuals (yes, you) on there though.

How do you manage to keep your virtual life manageable? I'd love to know if you have any magic tricks!


PoetessWug said...

Yeah, a 'virtual' clean-up is necessary on occasion. I do it periodically on all of the social media sites you mentioned...except zibbet. I don't have that one. :-) ... Just for info, on Twitter I post updates of things I'm selling once or twice a day, and scroll quickly for a few minutes to see if there's anything interesting going on, or someone's items I want to retweet. Otherwise I just go directly to the section where they're directly talking to me! :-)

Heather Leavers said...

Hello Wug - yes, that's pretty much what I do on twitter.

Michele said...

Yep I too have started the year with a virtual clear out. Google plus went (never did figure out what it was for). Facebook stays, much as I dislike it, too many people use it to ditch. Folksy shops went, few sales, clunky site, far too interference on the forums by those who run the site. Etsy stayed, few sales but at least it works well. Never got on with twitter, and you can't do everything.

So I made a list of what would stay, what would go, and those that are staying are having an overhaul so that they all look similar in colour, style, biography etc, rather than a big disjointed collection.

Better to do a few things properly than loads badly :-)

Heather Leavers said...

wow Michelle, what you say rings very true with me. I'd actually forgotten about google+, I've dumped that too! Pinterest also came and went leaving me cold.

joy said...

Hello Heather, I have the occasional blog clear-out, one is overdue now. Facebook is just personal for me, and there are just too many "friends" that are people I dont know, so I think I'll have to have a clear-out there too soon. I became active on twitter again this year, but its such a time-waster, so I've eased off again. Having just arrived back home from the funeral of my cousin's husband I've made the decision that life's just too short to waste, so I'm going to get on with some real-life living and loving, and spend much less time sitting at my desk. Joy xx

Heather Leavers said...

oh you're so right Joy, life is too short to waste.