Well - the meerkats were incredibly excited. We had a phone call this morning from the local paper. Could they come along and interview us on video for their website? Could they come and take photos for the paper?
We took a moment to consider...YES!!!!!

Oh my gosh how exciting! It looks like the whole lot of you had a fun time :D congrats!
This is going to be so much fun, I can't wait to see them at their first destination. What a brilliant idea!
How cool is that?? Wohoohoo!!!
Oh man, so cute! I like the photo of the meerkat peeking out the window...they always look so plaintive. You are famousest. ;)
Yea! looks great Heather! and so cute...You are famous now!
SO CUTE! LOVE your Meerkats! You all must be SO excited! I follow you on Twitter as @ByYourSide2009.
Woot! So will they tell you when you're published? The meerkats will want to admire the photo of themselves! ;)
One more step on the way to world domination! Awesome!
Heather, you're such a marketing pro, I'm admiring your every move!
I plan some rough and tough guy activities with the little fellow - have him prepared please!
how exciting for you and the meerkats! congrats hun. xx
Cool!!! This sounds ace - you will have to show us the outcome!
Heather - you rock!
That's marvelous, and well-deserved! You not only found a niche...you created one! You are the Mistress of Meerkats! ;-)
Awww.. that is fab! Famous! :)
Coooooooooooool :)))
yay!!!! so excited for you ;)
Look who's famous!!!! Well done, looks like you had a great photoshoot
so very cool! I also love how you pose them and they seem to change their little expressions. I can see the media man loved them too. You thought you had taken off before, this will be a rocket ride!
I love the one behind the window bars!
Pomona x
LOL I'm not the only one excited then?
The excitement builds, am so thrilled for you, the meerkats and the grand adventure.
I am so pleased and excited for you and the meerkats :-)
Nifty I amd SOOOOO impressed amiga !!
Can I use the last press pic in my Exposed Artists Treasury ??
(You deserve recognition my gal ) !
Wow!! That's fantastic - well done :)
I ADORE the little Meerkat peeking out of the window and how incredibly adorable are all the Star Trek Meerkats all lined up there together!!
Nifty I just love watching you skyrocket to fame!!
Awesome and more awesome...love it all! What a fun ride. :-)
What a great start to a whirlwind tour!! That is so fun Heather... love the photos!
just great for you and the meerkats !
Woohoo! Congratulations Heather :D
Hooray! I can say now, 'I knew her before she was famous...' Well done!
Oh my gosh!!! It's so nice to see you Heather.... how exciting!
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