I was thrilled to be chosen to be Tzipi's first host, and even more thrilled when she arrived yesterday! She was immediately the centre of attention:

The girls would not tolerate being shoved aside by the boys (actually, I think they were a little jealous) so they took Tzipi outside for a kickabout.

Wonderwoman played on oblivious as poor Tzipi whispered in Alice's ear that she didn't feel well. Alice and Pat took her in to see Matron:

but the prognosis was good. Young Flutterbutts need their sleep, especially after travelling, so Matron prescribed a good night's sleep - but only after selecting some yarn for her new sweater, ready for tomorrow's adventure. I wonder which colour she chose?

Don't miss tomorrow's installment: Tzipi's trip to the seaside!
Oh Nifty, You almost always make me laugh and I feel so good after a nice read here on your blog. Hugs, Jane
So happy to see little Tzip in such excellent hands! The photo of her being checked by matron scared me at first, but it only makes sense she will be a bit listless after her long trip.
I bet tomorrow will be loads of fun!!
Welcome to the UK Tzipi !!! We are so looking forward to having you visit with us here in Scotland !! Nifty I am sooooooo glad Matron was on hand !! I can hardly wait to see her jumper
You'll be pleased to hear Tzip is fast asleep after her long day.
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