Saturday 14 August 2010


What's Plush Life? I hear you ask...

We're a new Etsy team, all UK, all Plush makers.

What's a Plush? (funnily enough, that's the first question I asked our group!)

I suspect there are many many answers - we decided a plush is primarily cute and soft, though not necessarily cuddly. I've made an Etsy Treasury to showcase some of our members, and other UK plushies I love. If you'd like to join our team, please get in touch with CuteDesigns

You can read our profile here (scroll down to the bottom of the page)

Please come visit my Plushie Treasury (click here) and fall in love with adorable UK plushies!


cutedesigns said...

Yay! Yay! Go UK Plush! :D

ClareBears said...

Hooray for UK Plush :)