"Where will *I* find love?" she asked a friendly Flutterbutt ... but there was no reply.

She asked a nearby tweet but didn't understand the response. Why would she want to know about the birds and the bees?

She was sure she'd heard somewhere that kissing frogs was the way to go...but this one *felt* just too froggy.

It's no good, she thought to herself (as she threw on her fluffy wrap and grabbed her handbag) I'm going to have to go out into the world and look for love...I wonder if there is someone on Folksy who can find the one I am dreaming about?

Watch this space!
thanks to 5erg for the frog and feltmeupdesigns for the tweet and raisinlike for the Flutterbutt card :-)
Oh no! I'm sure someone will come along.
I certainly hope so - poor little sweetheart :-(
Start by loving yourself, love is attracted to love :)
Oh no I hope she finds a date, she is soooo pretty. I'd hate for her to be disappointed :( I'm off to look for her perfect partner :D xx
oh thta is very wise advice Fatema. Nobody (NoMeerkat) can truly love another until they love themselves.
This little girl needs chocolate- heck with those jelly beans! She needs to find her black dress and find a party! You know paint the town red~~~
oh no! I hope she finds someone!
I feel for the little dear. I also search for love, and all I find are Flutterbutts. But I have to tell you, Flutterbutts are very loving critters :o)
terraworks may be right - chocolate never disappoints. and yet her heart still yearns for a mate.
Has she tried an online dating service?
Oh, you are just utterly utterly brilliant :-)
kitshcycoo - maybe she should try photoshop?
kitshcycoo has photocopied her a mate - but I can't see how to show it here. You'll have to come and look at my twitter stream I think.
Has a little wooden knight who could ride up on his horse, and whisk her of to happiness, but the fear is over the future happiness of their love, could his straight forwards attitude be right for her, and what of their children, or even her giving birth to the young, would splinters be a problem???
I appreciate your concerns woodjewellery. She is, after all, a very soft-hearted creature and likes to snuggle up in front of a log fire. Not, perhaps, the best place for someone who is (if I might be very blunt) fancy firewood. Oh dear. Another day and still nobody to love ;-(
OMG, fancy firewood. really! maybe thats why she's still single, we poor males try to be nice, and we get called names... (the knight trots off on his pony looking for some princes to be his lady, or for a dragon to slay)
Patience is a virtue.....
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