If you're selling online, you're probably dealing with people in other countries (and if not, why not?...but that's another conversation!)
So - I'm hoping we can build up a list of tips to help each other.
Measurements I'm in the UK - when I first started, I listed measurements in centimetres, because the UK went metric ages ago and it's only oldies like me who still think in inches! I was amazed to learn that the US *does* still use inches - so it's a good idea to state the measurements in both systems. Tape measures/rulers generally have both, so it's not too tricky.
Some folk like to use an item for scale - my pet peeve is when sellers use coins. Seriously, I do not know the sizes of American coins, so it doesn't help me.

I took a photo of my meerkats all standing next to a DVD case in the hope that would help, I've also seen people using tealight candles and pens, both of which work for me.
Shoe sizes, clothing and even ring sizes also differ between UK, US and Europe -
calculators here.
Holding your item in your hand also works well, or photographing next to an attractive ruler or measure - my tatty old fraying tape measure would not be a good inclusion!
Keyword spellingsAgain, when I started I was often puzzled by the numerous Etsy Forum threads claiming that the jewellery market was overcrowded. If you've spotted my spelling of "jewellery", you'll know why I was confused - I was putting the English version in search, but most sellers were using the American spelling (well, it *is* an American site!) I've just checked today's search - JEWELLERY gives 55896 results, JEWELRY gives a massive 2,198,969!
My advice - use both spellings.
For the same reason, I tag with "collectable" AND "collectible", I can't even remember which is which now, but one is the correct UK spelling, one is US.
Mis-spellings are also worth trying. I tag the correct spelling "meerkat" and the incorrect (but often used) "meercat". I've had messages about my "mere cats" and "mice", so it's important to think about what people might putting in that search bar. I don't tag "mice" though - 'cos they're not.
I try to avoid using my bright pink yarn... it might be fuchsia, fuschia, fucshia ...I give in! The thing is, it isn't just a case of checking for the correct spelling - because you don't know which version your potential buyer is going to put in the search box. Use as many versions as you can!
Seasons - it's always winter somewhere!
I've often heard of people removing all their scarves (for instance) when winter is over. Internationally though, some people are just starting to look for scarves at the time I'm putting mine away.
Holidays - yay!
Are you always ready for international holiday marketing? I know I'm not!

Thanksgiving always catches me by surprise, and every year I end up asking what Black Friday is all about. I found an
online holiday calendar which I've bookmarked. Even Mothers Day is on different dates in different places!
YOUR TURN! It would be great if you could add your own tips and tricks for international selling in the comments, feel free to link to an example if you wish! (All comments are moderated so don't worry if it isn't showing straight away) Thank you!