Tuesday 27 January 2009

My LOLcat

I miss Tom :-(

It's been almost a year since our cat died at the ripe old age of 17. He wasn't the brightest of cats and was forever knocking things over or falling off the settee

so it was unbelievable when we discovered he'd taught himself this lttle trick.

Sometimes we forgot to leave the lid up and he had to improvise...

why LOLcat? I can haz cheezburger


Totally Timmy said...

Wow..I wish our cat would do that!

Laura Johnson said...

What a cat! Hope looking back at the photos helped xo

Almay Alday said...

Love the photos! I've had many cats growing up and I miss all of them and their funny personalities!

louise35flower said...

What a great cat! I can see why you miss him what a character!

LilithEvy said...

Wow!! I'm impress!!