Friday 19 February 2010

This is…

Quite Contrary Crafts

Favourite colour?

Aquaramarine blue – love the green hints in it!

Favourite smell?

Chocolate brownie baking in the oven

Favourite place?

Thailand, on a deserted island beach at sunset

Favourite sound?

the waves at night when you’re going to sleep

Favourite way to spend your time?

Creating at ‘Craft Corner’ bent over my cutting board…perhaps with boyfriend on hand with cups of tea (I wish, hehe), or out and about in the great outdoors!

Favourite item in your shop of all time?

My cupcake card


It just makes me feel cheery whenever I see it at the end of creation, think it’s the combination of bright colours…and cake!

Favourite shop that isn’t yours?

This is such a hard question!

Lauren Ceramics' Handmade Ceramic Cupcake Pin Cushion


I’ve totally fallen in love with her ceramic cupcake; not only is it beautiful, but it’s functional too as a needle cushion! Her other items are really interesting too – different twists on normal items, such as her pen holders with little buttons as details. A lot of hard work obviously goes into it all, and I’m in awe basically! Just waiting for the right ‘icing’ on the cupcake to come along and then I’ll be grabbing myself a treat! I just find it really interesting to see how vast a span Folksy covers on all things handmade, ranging from stationery like myself, to jewellery, wooden delights, lovely warm knitted nick-nacks and kiln creations – I love it, and you never get bored browsing!

What has been the most useful lesson you’ve learnt so far that you’d like to pass on to our readers?

Promote, promote and promote! Never give up, and you’ll reap the benefits in the future (I’m hoping!)

I couldn't agree more - so let's check out these links:

Quite Contrary Crafts at Folksy



Mary Quite Contrary said...

Woo, thank you so much! :) x

Pamela Zimmerman said...

love the cupcake pincushion!

Lauren Denney said...

cheers for the mention. Love the cards, they are so clever.