Tuesday 12 January 2010

This is…Chicita (aka Amanda Robins)

...of Gimme that Thing

Favourite colour?


Favourite smell?

Chanel Coco

Favourite place?

A quiet and pebbly Greek beach

Favourite sound?

The waves at night

Favourite way to spend your time?

Knitting with cotton and silk yarns

Favourite item in your shop of all time? Big-ceramic-buttons
...of Gimme that Thing


They express my personality - noisy, full of energy and slightly vintage looking!

Favourite shop that isn’t yours?

(Apart from Niftyknits, obviously!) Charlotte Hupfield Ceramics


Her designs are uncomplicated and effective. As a ceramicist myself, I know how easy it is to take a design that little bit too far, and how difficult it is to know when to stop.

Charlotte's Colourful glass-base ceramic dish

What has been the most useful lesson you’ve learnt so far that you’d like to pass on to our readers?

Network and be noticed, otherwise you just sink to the bottom of the heap.

Couldn't agree more, so here are the links:

Gimme that Thing (Folksy shop)

FB fan page

blog about crafting, my animals and weird life stuff

Amanda's other shop:


Charlotte Hupfield Ceramics said...

I am made up that Chicta chose my shop as her fave, its made my day! Thank you xx

Amanda Robins said...

Thanks so much Nifty for this lovely article. I am thrilled to have my name up in lights!!!

Laura Johnson said...

More Folksy talent! Enjoying these interviews ta!

Hilary said...

I think "network and be noticed" could be the name of a book, very succint and very true.