Tuesday 27 July 2010

My local pub needs to watch Blockbusters

Can they have a "P" please Bob?

Wonder if they noticed the lack of "P" in their brand new signage?


joy said...

ah, but where should they put it?
or perhaps resonsibility is a newly invented word by the americans (oh, maybe not, even spellcheck doesn't like it!)

sassypackrat said...

It's not grammatically correct either says the American girl.

Heather Leavers said...

ooh I hadn't noticed - well done sassy! Management is a singular noun?

Linden said...

Ooh er, that's two mistakes, then!! And I bet it's been there absolutely ages, too...

Claire Davenport said...

My inner pedant was totally distracted from the pub sign by the Blockbusters theme tune. Ahh... nostalgia! I wonder what Bob Holness is doing now?