Saturday 31 July 2010

Postcard from the Isle of Wight - the model village!

We used to take our children to the model village in Godshill umpteen years ago, but it's still just as wonderful as ever.

It actually *is* a model of the village...and contains a model of the model of the model.

The topiary is quite something in itself.

1:10 turns out to be perfect meerkat size!

Cricket on the village green...

Look at the dog being a nuisance! There was (of course) a soundtrack for the bandstand - and hymns issuing forth from the church!

There's a wedding at the model church - notice the cottages in the foreground?

These are the real-life cotages in front of the real-life church - if you look at the top of each roof, you can see they've even copied the detailing on the thatch!


Felix said...

I love this! It is so cute, the little village... I especially like the soundtrack to the Church!

Unknown said...

I love the model village. I used to work in the tea rooms next door many years ago, so visited it quite a lot!

Waterrose said...

OH, I would love to visit there. Actually I would love to spend a lot of time in England.