Friday 13 February 2009

Let's meet...BlackRose!

I met BlackRose through her Folksy shop but soon discovered she has cast her net far and wide. She also has an etsy shop, her own fascinating website and a blog

Let's get to know this woman of many talents!

Cats or dogs? I love cats and am considering getting one!

Fruit or chocolate? Shhh....chocolate

Favourite colour? Pink

Favourite meal? West Indian style rice n peas or a nice Thai dish

Bath or shower? Definitely a bath......I love to soak and reflect/day dream

What brought you to Folksy? Do you sell anywhere else?

I’ve been creating something or other since an early age. I used to do the odd craft fair when I was heavily into salt dough modelling. I discovered selling online - and thought that might be an easier option than standing out in the cold. I’ve opened a shop on Artfire but that is empty at the moment.

I now realise selling online isn’t an easier option and can be even more involving than doing craft fairs (i.e. taking suitable photos, networking to get known, packaging and posting, etc) but just one of many options. I’m now thinking that I will have a mixture – my online shops and craft fairs. I have a stall in March via the Telegraph Hill Festival in SE London and am investigating a stall at the new Roman Road Craft Market in East London.

In your profile you state: “I am attuned to reiki, and am also a professional psychic reader and certified life coach - you will therefore find that some of my items have a healing, spiritual or affirmative/self developmental aspect to them.” Can you give us an example of this please?

I like to make a few items that I think will help others in some way, whether to relax or as a tool for meditation and self growth – such as my spirit art dolls or herb sachets/pillows.

What’s the favourite item you’ve made so far? favourite things have long gone (I used to make my own clothes and made some culottes years ago which I wore to death). My current fave is a spirit art doll I’ve made and just listed on Etsy – I’m quite torn about whether to leave her there or remove her and keep her for myself!

Listed on Folksy at the moment – it has to be Creative Bella another of my little art dolls.

Thank you! I'm going to end with the inspiring title of Val's website:
Dream your life, live your dream.


Chrisy said...

What a diverse artist this is!...sound like a really interesting person...thanks for the interview...

Jane Carlstrom said...

Glad to meet BlackRose. Enjoyed the interview. Best wishes.

Beads, Beads and more Beads said...

It is always fun to read about the person behind the craft!! Best to you BlackRose!! love your creations very fun! Great interview Heather!!

Waterrose said...

What a fun collection of creative wonderfulness! I love reading about other artists and what they make!

Valerie said...

Thank you so, so much for featuring me. I feel so flattered to have been chosen - I really enjoyed answering your questions - wonderful of you to feature me and others and thanks too to Chrisy, Glorious Hats and Waterrose for lovely comments!
ps: I have visions of one of your meerkats peering over my shoulder and reading this as I type!!

LeelaBijou said...

What a great feature! ^_^