Monday 9 February 2009

Let's meet...Littleworm!

I first met Littleworm many months ago when she bravely started a rhyming thread in Etsy Promotions board. I think the rule was you could promote whatever you wanted, but it had to be in rhyme. Long after everyone else had given up and gone home (as it were) Littleworm and I were still there!

So let's find out a bit more...

Star Wars or Star Trek?
Not super into either but more into Star Wars because my hubby loves those movies. :)

Favourite meal?
Probably lasagne. Or mexican food.

City break or weekend in the country?
Weekend in the country. Or in my own home with no kids for that matter. lol

Bath or shower?
Bath! But usually only time for a fast shower.

You have a wide range of quilted items in your shop. What comes first, the fabric or the design?

The design. After I know what I'm making (and who it's for if I know) then I choose the fabric.

What’s the favourite item you’ve made so far?

Out of everything I've ever made it would be this quilt.

Out of the things I've done for my Etsy shop it would be this.

What are you working on now?
Another wallet like this one.

I really like that wallet. I rmember when I first saw it though, I had a bit of a senior moment. I'm in the UK (and know full well that littleworm is in the USA) yet I found myself thinking "Oh, I wonder why she's put foreign banknotes in the wallet?"

How do you see your shop developing?

Slowly but surely. :) With 3 kids and 3 day care kids (soon to be 4) its hard to find a lot of time to add to my shop as quickly as I would like to.

Really? LOL

What have you been doing today that I’ve interrupted?

While my 2 older kids (12yrs and 9yrs) were at school I spent my day with a 4yr old (mine), 2yr old, 1yr old and 11mth old. :)

Quite restful then!!! Finally then, my own top marketing tip is to never leave the house without wearing something I’ve made, and with a pocketful of business cards (in a littleworm business card holder, obviously!).

What’s your top tip for today?

I totally agree with your tip. Show off your items at every opportunity. And talk about what you do at every opportunity. And always always do what you love. It will show! :)

Thanks Erica! I can thoroughly recommend Littleworm's shop so why not check her out today?

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