Monday 15 March 2010

It's definitely spring!

Some of us are busy making babies:

Not entirely sure the frogs realise the pond isn't the size of a young lake, but we spotted 15 frogs busily doing what comes naturally. 14 of them swam away when they saw me.

some of us are still searching for our dream home:

We just want our mums :-)

Are you my mum?

No, you're not. Mum? Where are you?

My final photo comes with lots of warnings and disclaimers! We were on a public footpath, we did not approach the sheep or disturb her in any way by straying off the path, and we told a farm labourer what we'd spotted....

you might not want to look if you're squeamish or eating your lunch...

but this mummy sheep is just doing as nature intended...


joy said...

a nature walk, how lovely. you didn't mention which pub you were heading for lol

Hello there! My name is June said...

I'm completely embracing spring! So glad winter is finally behind us for this year!

Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

wow, what stunning photos. Elaine

Waterrose said...

Well that should have come a day earlier...for mothers day. I can't tell you how often I've driven past a field and see horses, sheep, goats giving birth. The first time was very startling. Do the numbers wash off?

Tina Peacock said...

Fabulous photo of that mummy sheep giving birth! I went to a lambing weekend & didn't get to see one right at that stage. Amazing! x

Heather Leavers said...

Rose I'm guessing the numbers wash off eventually, I've never noticed them on sheep which haven't got lambs with them. I've never spotted a sheep at quite that stage of imminence!