First of all - a big big thank you to everyone who voted for my Meerkat in Harry Hill's TV Burp K Factor competition!

He reached the final 5 out of an amazing 10,000 entries, but the public vote went to Peter the duck, knitted from one of Jean Greenhowe's
lovely patterns and now all over ebay like a rash!

(No disrespect intended to Andy, the guy who knitted Peter as his entry, the ebay clones are by other knitters.)

If you watched the shows, you're probably wondering why the pattern shows wings. Andy's explanation was that he was in a rush to send his photo in and hadn't yet finished knitting. When he was later asked to send in the real thing...he had to take the wings off again!
Peter's lack of wings gave rise to much of the humour, with him not being able to answer knitted Simon Cowell's phone call and later plummeting off the cliff.
We met Steve Benham, also known as
the bloke who plays Heather on Harry Hill's TV Burp (That really is what he calls his facebook page, I'm not being cheeky!)

Here you can see Bessie the dog modeling her coat, with her knitter/owner and Winston Stimson. Winston was knitted as a replica WW2 toy when his young owner was reenacting the evacuation at school - one of my favourite topics when I was a teacher.

Of course my experience would not have been complete without the fan photo - me, Harry Hill Meerkat, and the real Harry Hill. As you can see he'd changed out of his trademark big-collared shirt for the party!

Thanks once more: to Harry Hill for thinking up the perfect competition, and to all of you out there in the virtual world. I know I've been spamming you all for votes, and I truly appreciate your support. There is more yet to tell about my K Factor experience, but this is it for today!
Replica knitted Harry Hill meerkats available from my
Etsy and
Folksy stores.