Thursday 3 June 2010

Google ads...or Etsy Front Page?

You know how we're always trying to get our name "out there"?

We were given £75 ($110) of "free" google the business manager (aka the husband) set to work advertising us! He chose a list of relevant keywords (not surprisingly, meerkat featured strongly) and off we went.

The next picture shows what people would see if they searched for "meerkat"...

...and for "meerkat gifts"

This last pic shows the results:

Our "free" £75 lasted for about 8 days, and as far as I'm aware, resulted in no sales. If it had been "real money", I'd need to sell at least 4 meerkats to break even.

In a strange twist of fate while I was writing this up my meerkat golf cover appeared on Etsy Front Page in this treasury curated by theBeadAerie (thank you!!!)

According to Craftopolis "shop lovers" page, this was the result:

so - spend lots of money on google ads, or work harder at photos and "in-house" promotion in the hope of front page Treasuries? It's pretty obvious which works best for me!


Dottie said...

That's really interesting...I just got a voucher for £50 to spend. I won't get too excited then!!

Neomi said...

This is really interesting!
It answers some questuions I had!
Thank you for searing.

Where do you get this free adds from?

Heather Leavers said...

I guess it depends on what you sell, and who is your market - but clearly it wasn't desperately useful to me! Neomi, my husband was sent the voucher as a reward for renewing his business insurance.

TheJoyofColor said...

That is really interesting , though i was in fP got lots of attention without sales. But lets be optimistic!
thanks Heather for sharing wit us.

dotterypottery said...

I googled "knitted meercats" yesterday and you dominated about the first 5 pages on google Nifty - that should make you feel good :)
There were lots and lots of references to you on peoples blogs, magazine articles etc.

Heather Leavers said...

yup, I'm a media tart dottery :-) thank you!

Waterrose said...

I haven't tried the keywords for my embroidery business. But in our real life business it makes the phones it really does have a lot to do with the product/market.

MaryAnn said...

I got one of those Google free cards for $100 U.S. because I have had the Google ads on different blogs and websites I have had. Very interesting comparison Heather. Now where did I put that darn free card!?

Jane Carlstrom said...

My my, an eye opener. Thanks so much.