So much yarn, so little time.: Folksy Make the News...
When I told the sponsor what I would like for my prize, it was with today's competition in mind. So - now that my prize has arrived - it's your turn!
In true school-bazaar tradition, your mission is to guess the number of buttons in the jar!
You can have several attempts.
To enter, one way is to become a follower of my blog. Leave a comment with your guess, tell me you're a follower. If you're already a follower, that's great - that counts too of course!
You can have a second try by going to either my Folksy shop or my Etsy shop and then leaving me a comment here with your guess and your favourite item from my shop.
For a third and fourth try - buy something from one of my shops and leave the details in a comment with your guesses!
If more than one person guesses correctly I will give the prize to the first correct guess, so it might be worth your while checking what other people have guessed.
But what's the prize?
When I started selling my knits I was very naive. I had no idea that buying a pattern did not give me the right to sell the product of that pattern. When the light dawned, I had to remove a few things sharpish!
Your prize is Nellie (seen here doing her Marilyn Monroe impression), knitted from a commercial pattern and therefore no longer for sale in my shop.

This competition is open to anyone and everyone from wherever you happen to live - good luck! I will check the guesses in one week's time on Wednesday March 11th. If more than one person has guessed the correct number I will give the prize to the first correct guess. If nobody has the exact number I will give the prize to the nearest guess. If there are two nearest guesses (one higher, one lower) I will give to the higher guess.
And if there's any other quibble I haven't thought of, please let me know!
mmmm i'm gonna have to guess 67 and i'm a newbie follower!
Awww Nellie is sweet :) I have to be with blogger to be able to follow I think, but I don't mind telling you what my fave item is in your etsy shop ^_^ I love your meerkats, but my heart was captured by your tiger ^_^
As for my guess...let's say 50 buttons :)
I'm bad at stuff like this, but it's fun!
My guess is 75.
I am a follower (under the name of Alexandra).
And my second guess...
My favourite item from your etsy shop is this
I thought I would say meerkat, or the gorgeously cute dachshund, but I love this little house (I think I would like to live there).
I'm a follower, and my guess is 173. Great idea!
ohmy, on Folksy, I love Bob the dog, the mohair blue corsage, and teeny tiger!
My second guess is 107
71... and i will be a follower when i work out how... hang on a min!
Hi, I am already a follower and my first guess is 63.
Hi, My second guess is 87......the item I like the most in your Folksy show is little lion... I just love the expression!
My guess is 80..and i follow your blog under pjlacasse
I'm just back from a trip to the seaside - I'm so glad my competition hasn't sunk without trace!
My guess is 82.
Hope you feel better soon!
My wild guess is 46. I'm a follower of your blog- love the humor.
I'm going to guess 48 buttons. I've been a follower for a while now. :-)
terri truluxe has guessed 106 but can't work out how to comment.
I made the same mistake using commercial patterns when I first started. They made good gifts :)
Um... I guess 54!
I guess 68, Nellie is so cute, I love her clothes!
My guess is 53 buttons. I am already a follower of your blog.
I had to redo my guess, because someone had already guessed the number I had picked. :o)
Fun contest!!
My guess is 117 lovely wee buttons hiding in the jar.
I am a new follower of your blog :)
I looked at the jar and my brain said "74" - must be on the same wavelength as others now looking at the guesses. Am a newbie follower as well BTW Vx
This is my favorite from your Etsy shop. They are adorable!! :)
And I think there are 59 buttons.
Kali from LushandLovely has messaged me that she guesses 72
Fun competition!
I guess 47!
When you are the 26th person to guess, it's hard to find a number not taken!!
My first guess is 46!!
Sent by BranchingStreams on March 05, 2009:
This is an awesome listing photo and the meeks are my favorite item in your shop! Here is my guess for your blog- 52 buttons.
Sorry if the comment box isn't working, folks. don't know why it isn't ;-(
I love this hat!!!
Next guess is 62!!
55 is the guess, no more, no less.
Oh yes, am already a follower.
Hey Nifty. A great idea. I can't follow your blog because I'm not on blogger, but I can put a link to you on my blog.
And my guess is 67.
I'm a follower of your blog and my guess is 73.
Cool and fun competition!
My guess is 43.
and I must say, you're being fair leaving the mop top up, so we could have an educated guess! :D
I'm guessing 66 buttons in the jar!!!
nobody has the exact answer yet (I've been counting!)
Ooh funny posts...I am now defenately a follower!
I am guessing 56!
I am a fan of your meerkats and am saving up to get my hubby one!!!
Well, I originally thought 80, but i see someone has already guessed i will say 79.
I am a newbie follower and my guess is 46 buttons............
I'm really bad at these sorts of guesses but I'm going to have a go anyway as it's fun - my guess is 42 (I've scanned up and down and I don't think that one's been taken!).
Nellie is adorable!
oh i think 87. and my favourite item in your etsy shop is the Morris dancers!
I think there are 102 buttons, and my favourite item in your Folksy shop is Bob the Dachsund. The meerkats came a close second :)
Sorry, didn't finish it properly, silly me!
I'm already a follower - and my favourite items in your Folksy shop are your lovely meerkats. I also like the mohair corsage currently on your first page, very pretty!!
This is fun! I guess 112!
(already a 'follower'! sounds a bit weird, should we all be wearing knitted pendants!). A lovely idea for a giveaway. Looking forward the 'guess the weight of the cake' next!
She's adorable. Then again, you know I love your knitted aminals, Heather. :)
Many thanks to all who entered.
heather xxx
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