Sunday 15 March 2009

Selling my knitting patterns?

Several people have asked me recently if I'd sell my patterns. So far, I'm saying no for a couple of reasons.

The first is that I am very proud of my creations! It took me quite a long time to realise that making my own patterns up was even possible, let alone be brave enough to start.

Yesterday, midway through making a second corgi (which needed to match the first to some extent), I lost my pattern. Panic ensued - my fellow members of Etteam will agree that I was just a tiny bit cross!

When I eventually found it (well, OK, give him his due - Mr NiftyKnits found it, I was so cross I'd stopped looking) I thought I'd scan it in case I lost it again.

Having scanned it, I thought if I showed you just how professionally written out my patterns are, you just might guess another reason I don't put them up for sale...LOL it all makes perfect sense to me!

So anyway...anyone still want to buy a pattern?


Bigbluebed said...

looks strangely like my patterns!!

Melanie Ann Green said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! i love those meerkats!

your writing is neater than mine!

Heather Leavers said...

not considering I used to be a teacher, it isn't!

Waterrose said...

It's a difficult decision to sell your pattern after working so hard to create it. Another thing you might consider, since you are making so many mini animals what about creating a book?

Your initial pattern reminds me of when I'm sketching out my embroidery patterns.

Heather Leavers said...

*eeek* a book?

Kitschy Coo said...

Its a tricky one... I thought long and hard before deciding to sell patterns. Sometimes I'm not good at sharing ;)

But...I also get tired of sewing the same orders all the time, and selling patterns means I get to spend more time designing and trying new things!

It's a big decision...

BeadyPool said...

It's obligatory for teachers to have bad handwriting - you should see mine :) Love the Corgis - you should send one to Buck House - you never know you could then have a by royal appointment badge!

Nic said...

LOL. You know how I said about my sewing patterns? Well mine are a bit like your knitting ones. I even bought a nice notebook to inspire me into writing them down but not yet ;)

Heather Leavers said...

not just me then! I must admit in the wee small hours I wondered if confessing to such appalling pattern production might lose me all my customers!

not much chance anyone is going to accuse me of copying though, is there?

chloejessica said...

I like how your meerkat face looks like a doxie! Have you ever done dachshunds?

Caroline said...

Well, I don't reckon it's that bad - you have 'ear' and 'leg' marked on it :D I've been known to have to start knitting a page of a pattern to find out what on earth it is!

Anonymous said... your "chicken scratch" - I completely understand not wanting to sell your patterns. I like the comment about publishing a book. I think your work is fantastic! Keep "chicken scratching" away.

Studio By The Forest said...

I see that pattern is written in Niftyese. Those corgis are so cute, Heather! We used to have a corgi, such a sweetie. Ever make a greyhound? That's what we have now, lol.

Heather Leavers said...

and still she thinks of new things for me to knit...LOL

Studio By The Forest said...

Lol, my big skill is always figuring out someone else should make...when it comes to myself, then I haven't a clue!