Monday, 27 April 2009

...and all that Jazz

Are you going to be anywhere near Barnes (UK) on Thursday night?

Nigel, the guitarist, is my nephew and a fantastic guitarist - you'll have a great evening! The venue has been a pub since 1684 but I suspect they've refurbished.

I can be bribed with chocolate for stories of Nigel's hair-raising childhood...


Bigbluebed said...

Soory won't be there but I am sure it will be great.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I wish i was going to be in Barnes. However I don't think I could get flight in time. Would love to get some tunes though!

Midnightcoiler said...

Sounds like fun! Good luck to Nigel and company.

Anonymous said...

I can't make it there from Montana in time but Nigel is sure a cutie. Have a great time!