Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Meerkat mania - yours for free!

"Look into my know you want me!"

"She wouldn't really leave me here, would she?"

Enough pictures already!

To win your very own baby meerkat, this is what you need to do:
Go to my shop and choose which three of my knits should take the top spots as featured items, representing my range.

That's it! That's all you have to do. come back here, leave a comment telling me which three you have chosen. I will number each comment and choose a winner using Don't forget to leave a contact - blogger profiles aren't enough if you have made them private!

What? You want a SECOND go? Ok then. Blog about the meerkats, and get a second go. Don't forget to tell me the blog addy though, I shall want to come and admire it!

Closing date? Hmmm. Let's say two weeks from today, so that's 15th April.


Ouissi said...

ooooo I have to enter ;D

my choice:
meerkat (naturally)...the one looking into the camera

coz they are the three that made me laugh the most this morning...their little faces!!

ClareBears said...

I like your Liquorice allsorts bracelet, a Meerkat (obviously) and the handknitted fuschia blossom (because it's so pretty!).

purplecat said...

My 3 would be
Poppy the faerie, Easter hatchinling lilac, Meercat mob!

louise35flower said...

OMG! We can win a meerkat!!!
I choose 3 spring daffodils, cuddly handknit meerkat, and raspberry dream corsage.
Pick me pick me pick me!
Louise x

Heather Leavers said...

Calm down Louise :-D

Anonymous said...

These three should be your featured items:

MEERKAT meercat ADULT handknitted #22157170

Handknitted black textured bead necklace #20849344

Golden sunset corsage with vintage button embellishment #22008408

I think they show your versatility and they are all wonderful in their own right.... and I really want a meerkat. :)

Bigbluebed said...

I have chosen
The Liquorice Allsorts Earrings;
Spring Posy Tulips & Daffodils;
Teenage Meercat
as these three show your great versatility and that can knit character into your makes, make not just toys but wearable knits and also beautiful floral thingies!

Jane Carlstrom said...

Here is my pic 3
POPPY flower faerie 23006050
Golden sunset corsage 22008408
Winged Juggling Balls 12096674

Now to consider blogging about meerkat, a Nifty meerkat to be exact. Will let you know if I get it done.

Great contest.

Daisie said...

I have been eyeing up a meerkat for my sister's coming birthday and to win one would be even better!

I have had a browse in your shop and it is hard to choose just three things but think that they should be the liquorice bracelt as they are such fun, some knitted flowers (the fusia maybe or the spring posy?) and an animal (meerkat or dachshund?).

I think this shows the range of your knitted lovelies quite nicely.


Anonymous said...

Hi nifty,

I think you're best represented by the quirky stuff in your shop; so, of course, the Meerkat has to be number one! Then the pacman & ghosts bracelet and Daisy, the amigurumi cow. :)

EHillson said...

My choices are:

1 teenage meerkat
2 golden dragonette (coz I love dragons and this one is soo cute)
3 tiger tiger burning bright

I just think that your animal creations are just perfect.

Louise Ditch said...

I think you should go with an Easter theme and have these little beauties as your top 3

Easter Hatchling lilac bunny
Easter Hatchling turquoise chick
Easter Hatchling in a basket

I love your meerkats by the way, the are so cute! Seemples!


Susan Sheehan said...

I do want him! Here are my choices :)

Monica said...

Wow I have wanted one of these for my hubby for a while and our anniverssary is coming up so I want to win so badly!!!!

I think the ones are:
- Poppy Flower Fairy
-Meerkat Mob / Adult Meerkat (couldn't decide!)
- Aquabirdie in turquoise

They have great pics and really stand out, I think they are greta to call people's attention and will appeal to different people therefore more potential for sales!

Contact me at

M xxx

Betsy said...

Fuchsia Blossom Choker

Cuddly Meerkat!

I Can String a Rainbow Necklace

This is a wonderful giveaway! Everyone loves your Meerkats! <3 <3

RWillisGlassArtist said...

I would absolutely LOVE to win your young meerkat!!!

My choices to show off your range are:
Golden Sunset corsage
I Can String a Rainbow - necklace

RWillisGlassArtist said...

Here's my blog:


SpringColors said...

here are my choises:

Helen Smith said...

An irresistible competition - even for someone who has a ban on any more soft toys entering the house!

My choices are

Tiger tiger burning bright - listing_id=14015128 - cos I love him

Cuddly handknitted meerkat - listing_id=20526144 - cos there had to be one in the list and he looks so appealing

I can string a rainbow - listing_id=20835949 - cos I think you have got the pic just right for this one

Waterrose said...

Woo Hoo what fun!

My choices are:

Easter Hatchling
Morris Dancers

The Morris dancers dance in the daffodils looking for the Easter Hatchlings...

Unknown said...

My choices would be your Poppy Faerie, Lady Morris Dancer, and of course your Meerkats.

I love your goodies, Heather!!


Heather Leavers said...

I should point out no meerkats were endangered in the making of this post - the railway line he's sitting on is a tourist steam railway, and it only runs weekends this time of year.

jacksknit said...

Love to win a meerkat!

My choices are
Meerkat the teenaged version
Yellow spring daffodills
The lady morris dancer from marlings morris team.


Linden said...

Oh what fun - I so love a competition!!

Right, here goes - the first meerkat on the second page of your shop (and the photo at the top of this post);

Morris dancer (male);

Daffodil Faerie.

Bagladee said...

my 3 choices would be:

Meerkat adult handknitted.
Liquorice Allsort Candy Pin cushion.
Easter hatchling green handknitted bunny.

Em x

BeadyPool said...

Well, obviously a meercat. I then also like your fushia and then the corsages as they are really different from my other two choices. Vx

Heather Leavers said...

I've had a message from Ed at to say his selections are:

Sue said...

oooohhhh I would love to win!

My choices for the three featured (and this was hard to pick just three):

- meerkat adult (#22157170), because these ARE your shop

- Spring Flower Posies in handknitted vase (#21211545) because they show the funky, fun home decor items you have

- I can String a Rainbow
(#2083549), because this piece represents wonderfully your accessories line.

I will blog on this later and let you know.

Sue said...

Heather, I just blogged about your meerkat giveaway

Unknown said...


This meerkat:
The corgi
The Rainbow Handknit Necklace

Heather Leavers said...

Thanks for blogging about the giveaway Sue - that means will give you two chances to win :-)

CoCoCrafts said...

I can't resist a competition! I've gone for my three favourites and the ones I think are the cutest:
Little pink pig
Little Lion (he's gorgeous!)
Meerkat Mob

They're all lovely though!

Audrey said...

I would pick these three:
turquiose hat
poppy flower faerie and
the pink pig (I love pigs)

You do amazing work!!

jennyflowerblue said...

The tiger, juggling balls with wings, the daffodils. There, that's my choice!

Forever Foxed said...

I'm guessing that you know already I'd pick the corgi and the dachshund (predictable, I know!). My third choice would have to be the cute tiger cub.
J x

PS I'm still slightly scared by Morris Men!

FishStikks said...

My answers are the adorable Corgi, the Oast house for the center pic and the forever flowers with the white background.

Definitely with a side of the meerkats and I loved your pink knitted necklace too.

I do adore your meerkats!!

3rdEyeMuse said...

love meerkat, so simply have to play ... my three pics:

pretty pink piglet amigurumi
Daisy the amigurumi cow
MEERCAT meerkat TEENAGED version handknitted

wish me luck! :)

jazziesjunque said...


I think these three should be featured. Shows great range.

meerkat mob



Heather Leavers said...

the competition is hotting up - good luck everybody! It's interesting to read your choices.

Unknown said...

Hi Heather!

Because of the upcoming holiday, I would choose your Yellow Easter Chick, your Easter Hatchling, and leave the 3 Raspberry Pink Tulips there, or maybe put it between the two little aminals. :)

Your shop is so bright and colorful and cheery, Heather!


DoodyPops said...

My choices would be,
A Meerkat Mob, an Allsorts bracelet, and the Passionately Purple Flowers. I really can't pick 3, I would like for there to be 4 so I can include the corgi as well.

Anonymous said...

oh what fun! ok, my choices...

1. the meerkat baby (eyeballing the monkey)
2. the oast house and...
3. the soft teal mohair corsage.

I picked these because out of all your pics, i thought these were super imaginative, clever and very funny!

yay! now pick me!!! missmaisy x

PlumValleyDesigns said...

Ok, that meekrat was so cut eI just had to enter!
1. spring daffodils
2.easter chick
3. pansies in the brass boot
(4. tenage purple meekrat) I could not resist!

PlumValleyDesigns said...

I have also added you on "blogs I frequent" list. I will be adding a blog about your cute critters come monday!

Jill said...

I think these should be your feature items..

Pretty pink piglet amigurumi

3 Vibrant yellow Spring daffodils handknitted in knitted vase

Liquorice allsorts handknitted candy pin cushion

Those Meerkat's are so darn Cute!!

Thanks for a Great Giveaway :)

Tins and Treasures said...

Good Morning,
My favorites are the Licorice All Sorts Pin Cushions...I used to eat these with my Dad when I was little.
I also like the Spring Tulips and of course the Meerkats. The Meerkat Manor show is a hoot!

demmi said...

Black and tan dachshund, handknitted and house-trained the meerkat and the Liquorice allsorts bracelet con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Pickled Weasel said...

I would say:
1) Baby Meerkat
2) Your lovely daffodils
3) Poppy the Flower Faerie (although the dachshunds were strong contenders too).

*crosses fingers and toes*

Anonymous said...

you should have one of your knitted necklace or bracelet, One of your cute little animals, and one of your little people. You are so creative, but try to show your versatility with knitting.

and your meerkat travels have kept me laughing for sometime!

Hello there! My name is June said...

Because it's spring & coming up on Easter, I'd pick
1. 3 Vibrant yellow Spring daffodils handknitted in knitted vase
2. EASTER HATCHLING Lilac handknitted bunny in egg shaped gift box
3. 3 Raspberry pink TULIPS in a handknitted pot

...I love many of the cheery things on the first page as well...but think it's a good idea to mainly feature items from back pages...for more exposure, as not everyone clicks through all the pages when visiting a shop. They're like buried treasure!

My personal favorites are your kitties though!


Nicola said...

Definately the Meerkat Adult - 23201817 - I even featured this one in a treasury :)
Then the Piglet 15221885 (so cute!)
+who could resist the Pussy in Pink 11861748.
Blogged about you too :)
Nic xx

Heather Leavers said...

Thanks Nic - that's two goes for you then!

Anonymous said...

My top three are:

I can string a rainbow
Poppy flower faerie
Rainbow spirals

I think the colours are brilliant :o)

Lush and Lovely said...

Oooh lovely - a comp! As I'm in the mood for Spring, I pick Spring Daffodils, then it just has to be Lady Morris Dancer (you go girlfriend with the bells!) and finally the one with the biggest piece of my heart goes to Baby Meerkat (love the pic of the monkey staring at him!). So hard to pick 3 they're all so yummy.

Have a lovely week. :D

HannahMary said...

Yaey! I adore you meercats

I would please for to choose your...

* Black textured bead necklace (Lurrve it)

* The Meercat Mob as it shows the gang in there cheeky glory

* And the beautiful Raspberry pink tulips, cuz its been raining today and i need cheering up and reminding that it actually is ONLY rain!

thanks for the cheese :o) xxx

Chris said...

If you're looking for range, I think these are best:

Fingerless gloves mittens in pastel mint green with sparkly fluffy cuffs
pretty pink piglet amigurumi
I can string a rainbow... handknitted necklace

They cover a variety of skills/item types, so it's good.

My favorites though, are the amigurumi animals!!!!


Jan Gartlan said...

OOh, how exciting! My picks are:
1. Meerkat - so cute!
2. I can string a rainbow
3. Knitted flowers hair barrette
You are very clever!

The Stewart Stuff said...

I would put these up front:
1. Black Bead Necklace
2. Pretty Pink Piglet
3. 3 Vibrant Yellow Daffodils

You have such a great variety in your shop! Love it!

Caitlin said...




I love the animals. :D

Anonymous said...

My choices for your featured:

1. Passionately purple ... handknitted FOREVER FLOWERS (perfect for Mother's Day!)
2. Meerkat (of course!)
3. Handknitted dachshund weiner dog BUFF

ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Sharon said...

Well - that's something of an impossible task there nifty. It's made me feel quite frantic trying to choose just three from your fabulous-o shop - I'm developing clickers finger - but I'm finally going with these:

Awesome meerkats

Adorable keyring

Astonishing daffodils

audzipan said...

my choices:
candy pincushion
tiger tiger
fingerless gloves

Unknown said...

I love the flower faeries (all of them), the flower power bracelet and the pacman charm bracelet.

wishingtreecreations said...

my choices
poppy fairy

Your items are beautiful. so much talent!

JJ said...

I love the meerkat...

Top three:
1. Black and tan dachshund, handknitted and house-trained
2. Spring flower posy handknitted in rainbow pot
3. Crocheted corsage in brightest orange with white frosting

nutmeg click said...

i choose:

garden clock

allsorts bracelet

winged juggling balls


Barbara M said...

AAAh Knifty, you know I'm in love with Meerkat, he's No 1 for me.
No 2 Your liquorice allsort bracelet deliciously diferent.
Finally No 3 those georgeous girly gloves- with added sparkles!!!

Pattern and Perspective said...

The meerkat is #1 (love teenage version). They are popular. Pretty pink piglet amurigami. The dachsund. You should concentrate around things similar:) Cute.

emily13 said...

I vote for:

Em x

Unknown said...

I love the adult meerkat(but they are all great!)
The pink flower power necklace
and the cool pac-man bracelet
Oh, and my seven year old son loves the dragons!

Lindsay said...

Top 3 in order:
1. Meerkat
2. Corgi
3. Dachshund

Wish you had a turtle or snail!!

dede said...

Hi I am in love with your meerkat,your yellow daffodil and I love the yellow flower barette- adorable all!

FairlyGirly said...

For me it has to be Passionately Purple.....I just love everything purple!, Lion......I have admired him for awhile, so cute and you have to end with a meerkat.....thats why we all want to win one. Its my birthday on Sun and if I win it would be a lovely present!!!!!

JT said...

My 3 choices:
-Sunshine yellow spring chick
-Black and tan dachshund

mbj_contact (at) yahoo (dot) com

Heather Leavers said...

I am now busy assigning numbers to entrants - and removing my own! I'l get the result posted asap, thanks for your patience!

Somerset Wedding Girl said...

Aw, what an adorable little thing! With a Russian accent I assume?

Heather Leavers said...

this was so long ago, I don't think the russian meerkats had even been born!