Cats or dogs?
Well I used to be a complete dog person, but Simon (my fiancé) isn’t that fond of hounds so as a result I would say now I’m more of a cat person. We have a cat called Oscar.
Fruit or chocolate?
Love both, but Chocolate.
Favourite colour?
Purple or Teal

Favourite meal?
My mum makes this ace pasta with bacon, mushroom soup and sweetcorn, topped with cheese and crushed up crisps! Yum! Hehe
LOL My family has a favourite pasta dish with Campbells Condensed mushroom soup and a tin of tuna!
City break or weekend in the country?
Again difficult to choose, mmm I’d say city break, not so weather dependant!
Soaps or documentaries?
Bath or shower?
Shower, hardly ever have time to relax in the bath
Now we’ve got you warmed up…
What brought you to Folksy?
Well I finished uni last June and went to New Designers where I saw these funky little rulers being handed out. I didn’t get one myself but when I got home I checked it out and joined up when I’d built up my stock.

Tell us about your shop (or shops) Do you sell anywhere else?
My shop sells jewellery and accessories, from twisted wire, to chunky felt and enamel and even the odd feather! I’m inspired by lots of stuff and sometimes have a real urge to try something new, so there are quite a few themes running through my shops.
I have my Folksy shop , a shop on Etsy, which is still quite new, and I also have some of my work in a gallery in Silsden in Yorkshire www.projetogallery.com/.
I’m planning on contacting some more galleries soon. I’ve had no luck getting on to craft fairs this year so need to look at other ways of selling my work!
What’s the favourite item you’ve made so far?
Funnily enough it’s an item that isn’t in any of my shops. Simply because I just can’t seen to get a good photo of it! It’s a funky necklace with lots of chains beads and enamel.
I like my buttons brooches as well though
I think we can all identify with the difficulties of gettng decent photos, but yours look great Beth!.

What has been the most useful lesson you’ve learnt (about Folksy) so far?
Promote, promote, promote! Enough said! Hehe... Oh wait... and be patient!
If you could start again, is there anything you’d do differently?
Perhaps be slightly more organised!
How do you see your store developing?
I’m in the process of designing some DIY kits for my button brooches, so watch this space!
Also going to be seeing a lot more weddingy type stuff, fascinators, garters, hair pins etc. My sister-in-law is opening a bridal wear shop in Congleton (where we live) so I’m working on a range for that.
What have you been doing today that I’ve interrupted?
Absolutely nothing, Sundays are my lazy days until I have to go to work later

What’s your top marketing tip for today? Pimp as much as you can! ;)
Nice stuff...think the button brooch kits are a good idea!
Ah Nifty thanks for this hehe. :)
Beth jewels are beautiful! I should know I own quite a few pieces. I am the sister in law who's opening the wedding dress shop and the weddingy stuff she's started on look great.
You can see some of her work in the shop when it opens in April. See website for details
Great stuff. I love the purple and teal necklace.
Off to buy mushroom soup..
great feature.
I will visit both shops and have a look at more of her lovely pieces.
Gorgeous pieces and fab interview - thanks. Soup sounds yummy.
Another great interview!
I really admire your work, Bethany, and I think the purple and teal is especially gorgeous - those are two colours that are right up my street, too!
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