Monday, 20 April 2009

Blooming marvelous!

It's bluebell time in the woodlands of Kent, south east England.

They've just started to come to bloom, a few days and they'll be past their best. Right now though, they're in their glory, blue carpets everywhere.

No bluebells in my garden, but my pond plants have started to flower

and the very first of the aquilegias is out - isn't it stunning?

Their folk-name is Granny's bonnet, you can see why.


audreyscountrycrafts said...

You are so lucky to have flowers blooming!! We will have to wait 3-4 weeks yet I'm sure. Supposed to be +9 today - not quite warm enough for flowers.

Sue said...

Love the bluebell forest shots, I can see faeries frolicking amongst the blooms!

GumballGrenade said...

The blooms are out today! Lovely pics.

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

So pretty! I wish we had flowers everywhere.

Sweetbriers said...

Beautiful flowers! I have bluebells all through my garden (they seem to go where ever they want) but nothing like you have in your picture! enjoy!

Linden said...

Oh those bluebells just take my breath away!! "Up North" they're only still in bud, we're waiting for the glorious blue carpet to unfold very soon now, especially with the warm weather we're having at the moment (oops, need to pretend I haven't noticed or it may stop being nice...)

BeadyPool said...

What a stunning photo and a lovely place to visit. I love bluebells.

MonikaRose said...

Hello, how are you?
They are beautiful the blueballs, love their color and shape.
Thank you for sharing.
Have a Fantastic day and week ahead.
MOnikaORse :)