Thursday 20 August 2009

eeeek, I've been given an award!

In her blog yesterday, Sandie "tagged me" and sent me a blog award. The award states that you give 10 facts about yourself and “tag” 10 fellow here goes!

  1. I'm a Brit, but I lived in Kenya for 3 years as a child. My father was in the Army at the time Kenya was gaining its independence from the UK, but rather than remembering anything of historical importance my main memory was that President Kenyatta's cavalcade held up my school bus and I was late home from school!

  2. When I came back from Africa to the UK the Beatles were very popular, and the talk in the playground was all about who is your favourite Beatle. I only knew one name - so Ringo was my favourite at first!

  3. My hair is *cyber purple* but some of my young pupils thought it was natural (bless)

  4. I love knitting (that'll surprise you!)

  5. I go thorough obsessive gaming phases - over the years I've been hooked on Warcraft, Starcraft, Freecell (I'm still working my way through that in number order, generally while waiting for treasuries to open) and the Sims. The Sims became more real than life at one time, and when we went on holiday to a villa which was advertised as having a jacuzzi I walked around and around looking (in vain) for a turquoise cuboid - well, that's what they looked like in the game!

  6. I'm a life-long trekkie. My meerkat trekkies came about because I was invited to a twitter meet-up and someone suggested I wear my Star Trek original series Command sweater - I refused, but said I'd knit a meerkat wearing one - the rest is history!
    I refused because I didn't think the world was ready to see me in uniform - but you guys won't tell anyone, will you?

    by the way...I'm the one on the left. It's not a new pic, I'm in my pre-purple hair phase!

  7. I'm a cat person, I'm not keen on dogs. We're petless right now, but our last cat, Tom, taught himself to use the toilet. Several mornings we got up to find the toilet had been used but not flushed - both my husband and myself thought it was each other and said nothing! Then one morning we heard peeing and looked at each other...! Eventually I managed to catch him "at it"

  8. I went to boarding school - and no, it's not like the schools you read about in books as a child, although we did have midnight feasts occasionally.

  9. I'm married - 29 years next month! - and have three wonderful grown-up children.

  10. I taught myself html to build my school's website (I'm an ex teacher) and learnt by making a fansite for the Lone Pine books by Malcolm Saville. I own the set now, tracking them down from ebay and charity shops, but first read them as a child, borrowing them from the library in Deal, Kent. In a bizarre twist of fate the library building was sold and turned into flats, and my aunt bought one. The children's section where I chose my books is now my aunt's kitchen!

Over to you: here's 10 of my favourite bloggers (in no particular order)
I confess I don't usually follow through on blog awards, so please don't be embarrassed to ignore this award!


Dan Holloway said...

Bless you :-)

(Agnieszka's Shoes)

Matt said...

Best cat story (and photo) I've seen in ages!! :)

Unknown said...

so honoured - and to think i dont do anything with meerkats! that tennis ball might just come back when you least expect it.... xx

Jaci said...

Nifty, what a great post! I can't believe anyone else would work their way through Freecell numerically! (I finally quit playing) Your cat made me LOL!

My Mother's Garden said...

Are you saying your cat actually taught itself to use the toilet? Incredible!!! I think you look great in your trekkie uniform :)

M.M.E. said...

Hahah. Great cat story. Mine never used the toilet for that, just drank from it.

Pamela Zimmerman said...

wow, so fun hearing more about you, Heather...i agree, great cat story. I also love your trekkie picture!

Anonymous said...

You look great in uniform!

Heather Leavers said...

yep, the cat taught himself. we wondered (sorry, tmi coming up) if it was because he'd observed us humans using it and was copying - but he disproved that theory by pooing on the bath mat (we don't generally do that!)