Monday 17 August 2009

This is ... Kim

from KimsCraftyApple

Favourite colour?

Seems like a simple question but this is quite loaded for an artist. I would say my favorite colors to work with are the deep, rich jewel tones. But used in the right context every color can be absolutely exquisite. My 2.5 year old daughter would answer for me, Purple.

Favourite smell?

Right now, apple cider donuts...ask me again in a few months after I've made hundreds of them!

Favourite place?

Anywhere by water.

Favourite sound?

my babies laughing

Favourite way to spend your time?


Favourite item in your shop of all time?

Hmmm....another difficult one. I really like my Spring Flowers Quilt.

Why? I like it because I used such bright and beautiful colors on a design I created myself. I was influenced by others items but took the influences and made it into my own. I rarely make anything twice but I was inspired to make my Spring Flower's Quilts into a series...I have four far.

Favourite shop that isn’t yours? (Apart from Niftyknits, obviously!)

I'm going to have to pick a few here: has some amazing dresses for baby girls. I would buy them all if I could!

I bought the coziest, fun shirt from and hope to buy more in the future.

I love to buy fabric from fabricalacarte and karolsvintageart destash section.

I love the jewelry from crowsnestmountain.

I love so many etsy shops...I'm leaving out a ton but I do A LOT of my shopping on here!

What has been the most useful lesson you’ve learnt so far that you’d like to pass on to our readers?

You can't expect to set up a store on etsy and have them do all the work for you to get customers to your shop. In my personal opinion and experienbce you have to start out by:
One, having great pictures (I'm forever working on this)
Two , JOIN TEAMS...once I joined teams it made a HUGE diference.
Three, Take some time and promote on some people in forums and chat rooms

Four, Take A LOT of time and promote off of etsy...twitter does a world of good, a blog (super easy to do on blogger), facebook,, project wonderful. So many sources taht are an inexpensive way to get people to look at your site
FIVE, tell your friends and family! Have them spread the word. Give you stuff as gifts whenever possible and don't forget to wear it yourself!

So...that's my five tips to you:) I'm still learning but it seems to be getting better and better and I'm getting closer and closer to my dream...simply being able to support my habit (Crafting).

kimscraftyapple on twitter


Anonymous said...

Kim, you are awesome! Your Spring Flower quilt is amazing. You have an amazing talent for bringing such a oldtimey art to the modern world. The colors are outstanding, I want one! Thank you Nifty for such a fun interview with such a great artist! Good luck with apple season!

Jane Carlstrom said...

Loving the fish. Lively interview, best wishes Kim.

Beads, Beads and more Beads said...

Kim I love your work...your quilt is very fun. Good luck with apple season. Great interview, nice to get to know you a little better.

Unknown said...

What beautiful creations. It's nice to know you better!

PersimonDreams said...

Thank you for doing this interview with me! I love the items from my shop you chose! Thanks again :)


CrazyDaisiesDesigns said...

Kim this is wonderful! Your photos are wonderful! That ring was so neat!! Great to get to know you a bit better. Thanks for the "Tips".
Could you mail me some of those donuts!! I think I can smell them from here!

Waterrose said...

I would say by looking at your creations...your daughter would be right...purple! Lovely interview!

Unknown said...

Great article about Kim, Heather!!

I left you some "love" on my blog. Be sure to check it out!


My Mother's Garden said...

Great interview! I love all of the vibrant colors Kim uses in her art.
Heather, great new questions for your interviews!

StudioCherie said...

Great article! I love the spring flowers quilt too. Do you sell that recipe book? I need to check that out!