Middle son (football, cubs, cricket, piano, saxophone, drama who knows what else?)is now a professional musician.
Daughter (brownies, guides, piano, violin, swimming, rookie lifeguard) phoned yesterday.
She's a teaching assistant, working in a play scheme for the summer.
And yesterday - she used the CPR training she learnt in those rookie lifeguard sessions to resuscitate a child until the paramedics arrived.
I'm still shell-shocked - and I wasn't there. Well done baby girl - I'm very very proud of you.

Awww, thats amazing ... well done her! You have every reason to be proud xxx
That's brilliant, you must be so proud of your daughter and I bet she's feeling great, too, what a wonderful achievement!
Well done to your daughter! and well done to you too for making her what she is today
Give her a hug for me and tell her we are proud of her too!
Way to go Nifty! You should be a proud Mommy!! Amazing!!
Wow! So glad that you shared =)
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