Sunday, 19 April 2009

Jason and the Argonauts.

When I taught Years 4 & 5 (yes, both at the same time...but let's not get into that) one of my topics was "Ancient Greeks", so when I found an old video of Jason and Argonauts it seemed like a fun place to start.

There are always pitfalls lurking for the unwary teacher however, and one caught me out first time round.

This is a fleece, right?
(This one and others available from

But no, not to our modern town-raised kids. This is a fleece ...

(available from

and my pupils couldn't understand why there were no similar jackets in the story.


Anonymous said...

Hhahaha!!!!! Oh my god that is hilarious but oh so sweet!

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

Very cute!

Fabric Nation said...

Ha! Like this. I love this film too. And on a different note, saw this and though ot you! Perhaps a joint commission! -

Heather Leavers said...

LOL wonder how I can contact her???

The World's Dresser said...

LOL - I still remember watching Clash of The Titans in grade school and thinking it was the coolest thing ever!

Anonymous said...

That jacket is SO CUTE!!