Favorite color?

Favorite smell?
Freshly baked brownies
Favorite place?
Morro Bay, Ca.

Favorite sound?
Favorite way to spend your time?
Creating graphics, Etsy, and reading.

Favorite item in your shop of all time?
Because, I love them all.

Favorite shop that isn't yours? Designingit
Because, she has some beautiful jewelry.
What has been the most useful lesson you've learnt so far that you'd like to pass on to our readers?
Promote is the key to success and good communication!
sparkly colorful fun! love it!
Wow, thank you so much for featuring my vintage store. Keep up the great work that you are doing with your blog.
Great blog post Shay! Nifty, thank you for letting us get to know Shay a little better. Ca. is awesome!
Yay Shay! I really like saying that... yay Shay. ggg
Great Photos Shay!!
Glad I know a bit more about you!
Good job Nifty!
Nice to know Shay better. Her shop is awesome! and Ca also:)
lol, 'silence' is my favorite sound too, great answer ;)
Very pretty jewelry! Nice job.
Another great interview, Shay nice to know you a little better. very pretty jewelry. pjlacasse
So Shay, simple and sweet, clear and crisp answers - ahhh - now I really get your graphic designs, they too are simple and sweet, clear and crisp--wonderfully done. Shay's vintage store is lovely, her graphic store with banners and such is wonderful as well.
Shay, nice to know a little more about you! I'm so glad you are back on the team :)
LOVE her shop! Great interview...sweet and to the point!
Nice to know you better, Shay!
Heather - you're my favorite blogger - I admire your endless creativity and energy!
So, nice to know you better, Shay.
Thank you everyone for the nice comments. :)
A big THANK YOU to everyone for showing their suport - I really appreciate it, and I'm sure Shay does too ;-)
Another great interview! I love Shay's straight to the point answers.
I'd have to agree with her on silence being a wonderful sound!
What a quiet, lovely person.
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